A Streamlit App for Personalized Dosage Planning

Understanding the pharmacokinetics of medications is crucial for optimizing therapeutic effects and minimizing side effects. In this post, we delve into the modeling of Elvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate), a medication commonly prescribed for ADHD. Using data extracted from a research paper, we created a generalized bi-exponential model to represent the absorption and elimination phases of the medication in the bloodstream. This model has been integrated into a user-friendly Streamlit application, allowing individuals to input their medication schedule and dosage to visualize and compare the concentration of Elvanse over time.

By fitting a bi-exponential model to the blood concentration data extracted from a plot in the paper, we can accurately represent how the medication is absorbed and eliminated from the body. This approach helps to provide personalized insights into how different dosages and timing schedules affect the medication's concentration throughout the day.

Whether you have a critical task at 4 PM or need to plan your dosage to maintain optimal concentration levels, this tool allows you to input your medication times and dosages, then compare the resulting concentration profiles. This can aid in making more informed decisions about your medication regimen, ensuring you achieve the desired therapeutic effect when you need it most.

Let's explore how this model was developed and how you can use the app to tailor your medication schedule to fit your personal needs.

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